(ICRT) Mayor Lu calls to consider keeping people out of Taiwan
Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen has called for the central government to consider whether the number of people currently being allowed into Taiwan is too high, to avoid putting pressure on local governments disease prevention efforts.
This is controversial as the vast majority of people being allowed into Taiwan are Taiwanese citizens returning home.
Speaking to the city council, the mayor revealed that the number of people under quarantine in Taichung has jumped from 1126 on June 3 to 1811 on Tuesday.
Taichung has the most people under quarantine in the country.
In other coronavirus news, the 13th annual Rock in Taichung music festival will be held entirely online on the weekend of the 17th and 18th.
The annual Jazz Festival held in the fall also won’t be held this year, though no word on whether it will also go ahead online.
彰化大戲院15日恢復營業首檔上映九把刀新片 UDN 聯合新聞網 盧秀燕向中央示警 中市居家檢疫暴增到1800人 台中市政府今天召開市政會議,市長盧秀燕指出,自從6月7日中央宣布大解封後,台中市的居家檢疫不減反暴增,她認為中央應檢視目前入境人數 … 3 hours ago Yahoo奇摩新聞 台中居家檢疫暴增至1811人 盧秀燕籲:應控制返台人 數 針對中央提出的紓困方案,台中市統計申請案數近七萬件,核定率達99.81%,核定通過金額5.7億元,相關經費也已撥付各區公所,由區公所陸續進行 … 2 hours ago 風傳媒 解封後台中檢疫人數暴增!盧秀燕喊話中央:應檢視入 境人數是否過多 新冠肺炎(武漢肺炎)疫情稍有緩解,台灣也陸續放寬防疫政策與限制。台中市政府今(7)日召開市政會議,市長盧秀燕卻指出,自從6月7日中央宣布大 … 28 mins ago 連辦13年「搖滾台中」不中斷 17、18日線上直播開唱 搖滾台中改「線上直播」 多國樂團接力演出 連辦13年 搖滾台中跨國音樂節17日線上直播登場
Taichung MRT progress
Taichung Mayor Lu has announced more details on the launch of the MRT Green Line.
She confirmed that it is on track to launch by the end of the year, with previous reports suggesting November.
A feasibility assessment of its operations was already approved by the transportation ministry.
Lu said the Taichung City government is confident that the Executive Yuan will give the final nod for the Green Line to begin service.
According to Lu, a preliminary inspection of the 16.71- kilometer line is scheduled for August, following multiple test runs to ensure the stability of its operations.
She also revealed that ticket prices would start at NT$20, with an extra NT$5 to be added for every 2km traveled.
Meanwhile, a feasibility study on the Green Line’s two planned extension lines — from Beitun to the Dakeng Scenic Area in the north and from Taichung High Speed Rail Station to Changhua County in the south — was reviewed and approved by the transportation ministry on Wednesday last week.
The two extensions would add five new stations, bringing the total from the 18 original stations to 23.
The extensions could be operational as soon as 2028.
中央社即時新聞 台中捷運綠線8月初勘 延伸5站至彰化審議通過 (中央社記者余曉涵台北1日電)交通部長林佳龍今天表示,台中捷運綠線即將通車,交通部已經協調由台中市府主辦初勘作業,預計8月初勘,延伸至大 … 6 hours ago 台中捷運綠線延伸彰化交通部審查通過 中捷綠線延伸彰化段交通部審查過關拚2028通車 台中捷運綠線延伸大坑及彰化通過交通部審查 台中捷運綠線延伸彰化 金馬站規劃三鐵共構 台中捷運綠線延伸大坑有譜 帶動北屯發展 UDN 聯合新聞網 柯文哲、盧秀燕談中捷 中市府:最快本月底可初勘 台中捷運綠線預計今年底全線通車,台中市府表示,市長盧秀燕和議長與議員等人,本月6日將實地考察位於北屯的台中捷運機廠,勘查電聯車車廂等捷 … 14 hours ago UDN 聯合新聞網 台中前瞻計畫 正心長高 停車位多1倍半 台中市停管處指出,爭取前瞻改建的停車場有南屯正心停車場、中區興中停車場、東榮、潭興、沙田路6處公有停車場。其中「正心」6月決標,規畫汽車 … 3 hours ago 會呼吸的停車場! 台中南屯正心立體停車場7/31開工 台中南屯將建一座「會呼吸」的停車場 台中捷運通車後會賺錢?台人抖出「暗黑真相」:早想到了 先給讀者搶先看一下臺中捷運內部設施 自由時報電子報 台中捷運班次表出爐 議員:不賠錢恐得班班客滿? 台中市議會交通地政委員會日前到捷運機廠考察,捷運公司已提出未來台中捷運的班次,原則上每天從清晨6點營運到凌晨12點,平日尖峰5分鐘一班, … 1 day ago udn 聯合新聞網 中捷綠線下月初勘 年底全線通車 台中市議會昨天考察捷運綠線工程,市長盧秀燕指出,預定下月初勘,今年底全線通車營運。她發豪語綠捷通車是她重要政見「通不了的車要通,完 … 12 hours ago 台中北屯東光路打通至松竹車站開工
Heavy rains bring tragedy
Heavy rains last Thursday afternoon resulted in more than just inconvenience, it led to one tragedy.
A 45-year woman on a scooter was hit and crushed under a falling five-meter tall tree in the Nantun District.
She was rushed to hospital, but did not survive.
Mayor Lu announced she would help the survivors’ families seek compensation.
中央社即時新聞 台中大雨路樹倒塌 女騎士遭壓傷命危送醫 台中地區2日下午大雨滂沱,南屯區筏子東街一段有路樹突然倒塌,一名機車騎士經過疑遭壓傷,消防局獲報到場搶救。(台中市消防局提供)中央社 … 11 hours ago 中時電子報 女騎士被路樹壓傷身亡 台中市府協助家屬申請國賠 台中市2日下午發生大雨,南屯區筏子東街一段旁的路樹倒塌,一名45歲潘姓女機車騎士,行經時被壓傷受困,消防局救護車緊急送醫,到院搶救雖 … 7 hours ago UDN 聯合新聞網 被路樹壓重傷的女騎士 因傷勢嚴重今晚宣告死亡 台中市今天下午豪大雨,潘女騎機車下班回家,路經南屯區筏子東街時,突有一顆高10公尺、直逕徑半公尺的大樹倒下,重重的擊中潘女的頭部,所戴 … 6 hours ago 台中大雨路樹倒塌 女騎士遭壓傷送醫不治 UDN 聯合新聞網 影/台中路樹倒砸死孝女 家屬:相信市長會給一個交 代 台中市區昨天豪大雨,南屯區筏子東街路樹倒塌,四十五歲潘姓女子騎機車下班途中遭擊中頭部,送醫後因傷重不治。台中市長盧秀燕今天前往太平 … 14 hours ago 芋傳媒 TaroNews 台中大雨路樹倒塌婦遭壓傷不治市府助申請國賠 台中市昨天午後強降雨,南屯區筏子東街一段樹木倒塌,造成潘姓婦人騎機車經過時,突遭倒下的路樹壓傷,送醫後仍不治,盧秀燕今天前往慰問家屬。 8 hours ago
Bus driver in trouble for smelling, abusing passengers
A Taichung bus driver who verbally abused and refused service to migrant workers for wearing too much perfume has received a serious demerit.
He also caused his company to be fined by the city government.
A YouTube video uploaded on Friday showed the driver, getting off his route 97 Southeast Bus to smell three migrant workers waiting at a bus stop near Yu Shi Industrial Park before only letting two on the bus.
He refused to let one of the workers get on the bus and hand gestured for him to leave.
The video then followed the driver to another bus stop and the driver did not smell the Taiwanese-looking passengers.
Towards the end of the video, the driver is seen verbally abusing another migrant worker, screaming at him to get off the bus for wearing too much perfume and using profanity.
Southeast Bus was notified of the matter by a migrant worker broker agency.
The driver contended he was allergic to perfume and had allergic reactions on his skin.
However, the driver still received a serious demerit from the company over the verbal abuse and refusing a passenger on board the bus.
The driver is still serving the same route, but has been asked by the company to keep his mask on at all times and to open the driver’s side window for fresh air.
Security cameras installed on the bus will also be reviewed to look for any other related violations.
Butt fines in Changhua
Smokers in Changhua City should be beware.
In the last two months the city has issued 70 fines to people for littering cigarette butts.
The city has been using surveillance cameras to spy on butt violators, and emphasise that it doesn’t matter if the butts are littered on the ground, in the gutter or thrown from a car onto the road–they’re all butt violations.
Smokers may find that their butts could cost them between NT$1200 and NT$6000 in fines.
Most violators were caught near the train station, at bus stops and on sidewalks.
嚴抓亂丟菸蒂! 彰化2個月開罰70件 癮君子注意! 路邊亂丟菸蒂彰化最重罰6千火車站.公車站錄影側 …
Taichung’s hero dog nation’s top dog officer
Tie-hsiung (or “Iron Hero” in English 鐵雄), the rescue dog that became famous after helping to find two people trapped under a partly collapsed building in the aftermath of a magnitude 6 earthquake in Hualien, is now an officer.
He received “One Star on Two Horizontal Bars,” a Grade 8 ranking that is the equivalent of team leader or sergeant, according to the National Fire Agency.
That makes him the highest ranking officer dog in Taiwan, ranking above five others.
Image courtesy of 徐國勇’s Facebook page