Lei’s Real Talk: China’s influence & the loss of Tsai’s DPP Party in 2022 Taiwan elections

Taiwan This Week, Dec 9: An ABFAB new fab

Gavin Phipps hosts Dmitri Bruyas and Courtney Donovan Smith https://player.soundon.fm/p/072443e0-ac1a-417f-b6db-f9cfc4a0a372/episodes/dcafc806-5c1a-4266-83db-3da05a149360
Taiwan This Week, Dec 2: Dissecting the election outcome

Gavin Phipps hosts with guests Brian Hioe and Courtney Donovan Smith https://player.soundon.fm/p/072443e0-ac1a-417f-b6db-f9cfc4a0a372/episodes/74f6aa3a-402f-4e67-9b1a-e955d78735d3