GTI: Why defending Taiwan is an American political consensus
Japan Times: China to allow coast guard to use weapons in waters it claims
Guardian: A dysfunctional America helps China – but hurts Australia and our region
Reuters: Vietnam says Chinese bomber on disputed islands ‘jeopardises peace’
Guardian: Canada makes plan to evacuate its citizens from Hong Kong
ABC (Au): Australian wine imports ‘suspended’ by China as trade tensions with Beijing continue
ICRT’s Taiwan This Week, hosted by Gavin Phipps with guests Taiwan Report’s Sean Su and Courtney Donovan Smith
ICRT’s Taiwan This Week, hosted by Gavin Phipps with guests Taiwan Report’s Sean Su and Courtney Donovan Smith
Diplomat: As Taiwan Watches US Election, It May Need Time to Trust a Biden Administration
FP: Xi Doesn’t Need to Invade Taiwan Right Now