Forbes: U.S. Marines Can Beat The Chinese Navy—But Only If The Marines Stay Hidden

Bad news for the KMT, TPP & DPP in the Kaohsiung byelection–Taiwan Report News Brief transcript

Summary: The EPA is looking to help with the garbage crisis, and for the rest of the show we’ll be going into the results of the Kaohsiung byelection, and why it was bad news for the DPP, even worse news for the KMT and no good terrible news for the TPP. But up first, headlines. […]
Reuters: Taiwan’s China-friendly opposition routed in mayoral by-election

VOA: Hong Kong’s Plight Casts Shadow Over Taiwan’s Diplomatic Coups

FT: US risks China’s ire by raising prospect of Taiwan trade dea

Asia Times: Taiwan to boost ‘invasion’ defenses with US weapons
RFA: Taiwan Indicts Three Parliamentary Aides For Spying For China
Frozen Garlic: Kaohsiung mayoral by-election

Hudson: Video Event | President Tsai Ing-wen Discusses the Diplomatic, Security, and Economic Challenges Facing Taiwan

The Hill: Trump defends democracy in Hong Kong and Taiwan — while Xi awaits Biden