ICRT’s Taiwan This Week: Mulling counter measures

Gavin Phipps hosts Courtney Donovan Smith and Brian Hioe
SCMP: ‘Unknown pneumonia’ deadlier than coronavirus sweeping Kazakhstan, Chinese embassy warns

Coda: Revealed: New videos expose China’s forced migration of Uyghurs during the pandemic

Palladium: The Theory of History That Guides Xi Jinping

Scholar’s Stage: Xi Jinping and the Laws of History
William Yang: Five years after 709: The crackdown from Beijing has never stopped
Financial Review: Did a Chinese hack kill Canada’s greatest tech company?
Reuters: In echo of Mao era, China’s schools in book-cleansing drive
ABC (Aus.): High stakes in a Himalayan hotspot
PRI: From Louisiana to Taiwan, environmental activists stand up to a major plastics company