Podcast version: Current Affairs Taiwan (CAT) 台灣時事 12.09.2019 Episode 24

Exciting times, the video has some new graphics and a new look! Our new website Report.tw is up, and being updated daily with politics and foreign affairs news on Taiwan that we’ve curated for you, plus original Quick Takes by Donovan, more content from Michael and more coming. Plus, we’re now at a new podcast […]
Quick Take: Is Han’s hardcore support base beginning to crumble?

Frozen Garlic, in his most recent post on checking out two Han Kuo-yu rallies, had this to say (be sure to read the entire piece here, it’s worth the read): “On the drive home I kept asking myself whether I should take these disappointing crowds seriously. I think it does matter. Han’s rise has been […]
Taipei Times: The Formosa Incident: a look back

… The present street demonstrations in Hong Kong are reminiscent of those in Taipei in 1986. In addition to pressure from the grassroots level, Taiwan’s democracy movement of the 1980s had important support from abroad: In the US and Europe, the overseas Taiwanese community coalesced after the Kaohsiung Incident through organizations such as the Formosan […]
Current Affairs Taiwan (CAT) 台灣時事 12.09.2019 Episode 24

Exciting times, the video has some new graphics and a new look! Our new website Report.tw is up, and being updated daily with politics and foreign affairs news on Taiwan that we’ve curated for you, plus original Quick Takes by Donovan, more content from Michael and more coming. Plus, we’re now at a new podcast […]